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The Next Big Thing: Blunt Tips (Hytters) And CoronaVirus

At a time when we have lost over 150000 Americans and over 0.7 million people globally to a ravaging pandemic, our safety and survival is more at stake than never before. And as they say it, necessity is the mother of invention. The world has seen numerous inventions that are helping people breathe with ease. 

But there is a challenge to cannabis aficionados. Those that know that a good roll of a joint or a blunt should be shared. Well, smoking with your stoner buddies is now a hobby to many. Did you know that cannabis sales have spiked during the current period of quarantine. Yes, Health Europa reports that there is a surge in cannabis sales across the US and Europe. That there is so much weed at home and rolling one is more common than never. 

Enters social distancing over the pandemic. You realize sharing joints can put your whole group of smokers at risk from sharing a joint or a blunt. Is all hope lost? Definitely not. This article brings you up to speed on how new generation filters for your rolls (Hytters) are what you need for enhancing the safety of communa smoking.

Disclaimer On Covid 19

Well, we are not health experts or researchers on matters of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID 19). We strongly advise that you follow all the guidelines set by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Our goal is to help you in your quest to be a safe stoner during and after the pandemic.

How The Coronavirus Spreads

Let us look at how the Coronavirus disease spreads and how much you as a communal joint user are exposed. Well, the first step to solve a problem is understanding what is in front of you before considering your options, right?

One of the main preventive measures put in place by the CDC in  a June 2020 document dubbed , “How to Protect Yourself and Others” is not touching your mouth, nose and eyes with unwashed hands. And there is every reason for that. The virus spreads as tiny droplets that can easily get into an uninfected body through the mucus linings of these openings.

Your Joints/ Blunts/ Spliffs And Why They Can Spread Covid 19

For stoners there is an increased risk. Read this. As you puff on a blunt, the tiny droplets can get attached to the mouthpiece and you can pass them over to the next hitter. Soon, your whole team of buddies will be infected. 

Rolling a joint for a personal smoke may not be a welcome idea to some stoners. But here is how you can alter the anatomy of your joints to enhance your safety and here is how.

Using Blunt Tips For Your Safety

Hytters are what you need as a stoner. So you may ask what a hytter is after all. But hey, remember the CDC and WHO directives and enact them to the fullest so you can protect yourself and those you love or close to you. 

Hytters are small sized filters that can  fit in nearly every joint or blunt that you roll. They help you to smoke a single blunt or powerful hitting joint among friends while limiting the risks of passing on any germs. You can think of them as everyone amongst your group having a personal mouthpiece for the same joint. 

The one inch size filters come in different sizes depending on the diameter of the hole where you fasten your joint or blunt. The sizes of the holes range from 8mm diameter in the smallest to 14mm . Made from glass, they are easy to clean with coronavirus crushing disinfectants. You can use a small brush to clear any residue stuck on the inside.

Compared to traditional filters, these filters are a great way to survive the pandemic. Wondering if there are any other benefits to the Hytters? 

Conclusion: Reap the many benefits of owning a hytter with your stoner friends

The Hytters are more than sharing the same blunt with personal mouthpieces. Very effective in ensuring that no residue gets in your mouth or gets stuck on your lips. The aesthetics and appealing colors can really compliment your smoking mood. How about rolling your joint with little worry of DIYing the perfect filter? You also get to fit all types of joints or blunts and with the easy to clean glass, hytters are a game changer in the world of smoking weed today. 

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